2019 Bangs Falls Whitewater Festival

The Spring Medway River Throw-down is scheduled for Saturday April 6th starting at 10:00am, going until we get tired, hungry or cold. This event if FREE to any and all but space is limited, the schedule will be as follows:

9:00 – Breakfast at Greenfield Firehall – $8 / person 10:00 – Paperwork / Meet & Greet @ Greenfield Fire hall :: EVERYONE MUST ATTEND 11:00 – Introduction Instructional courses begin, space is limited 11:30 – 16:30 – River Run

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I have to Register? Yes, for insurance purposes there is limited space at the event, you must fill out the Google Form to register and hold your space, spaces are first come first serve. If you are unable to make it please let Karl (karl.vollmer@gmail.com) know as soon as possible so your space can be filled.

What type of personal clothing should I bring? The water will be cold, and we’ve even had snow some years so please bring cold water immersion gear, including a wind breaker, as well as an additional dry set of clothes for the end of the day. There is a semi-warm garage within a 2 min walk of the river if you get too cold.

Do I need to bring food? We strongly recommend you bring a decent number of snacks, you use extra energy when you are in cold water, and working hard (and having fun!). In addition to high protein/sugar snacks make sure to bring at least a liter of water with you, and a second one for after the river. A hot tea or hot coco is always nice at the end of the run as well.

What kind of Kayaking equipment do I need? This event will follow all Paddle Canada/CKC safety requirements, as such you will need the following gear: PFD, Paddle, Helmet approved for use in moving water, watertight skirt, whitewater kayak with sufficient reinforcement/buoyancy to prevent pins and entrapment. Instructors and trip leaders will have additional communication, safety and first aid equipment. If you do not have the required safety equipment you will not be allowed to participate.

Is X suitable for whitewater While the classes of water we will be running will be in Class I to III water for most of the day entrapment and pinning are ever present dangers in Whitewater. The general rule is that you don’t want to have anything that could get caught or stuck on a branch or rock, or anything that would limit your ability to wet exit from your kayak. Rope, Straps, pockets, gear dangling off of your PFD are all potential hazards in a moving water environment. E-mail karl.vollmer@gmail.com if you have questions about a specific piece of gear.

I don’t have X, but I still want to come E-mail karl.vollmer@gmail.com to inquire about what gear is available.

I don’t have a way to get there Most people will be coming from HRM so there will be ample carpooling oppertunities if you are able to get the Dalplex in Halifax. E-mail karl.vollmer@gmail.com if you need transportation and or post on the Facebook Event.

Is there food/gas nearby? Greenfield (~10min up the road) has a small convenience store and gas station.